Organizer: Azizul Hasyim Johari Johar
Venue: Hafiz Corner Ampang Avenue
Time: 10.30 - 3.00 AM
Time: 10.30 - 3.00 AM
After the first reunion organized by Me, Ikmal and Wan NF went very walawei...there goes the next chapter of this reunion. This time only guys involved (even tough there was a girl joined us...Alif's..)...the details as mentioned above. Why must have the 2nd chapter? It is because Azizul himself felt so kecewa after browsing all the pictures taken by us during the reunion and he innitiated to hold the next gathering so that he can meet everyone that he misses a lot =)..(he didn't attend to the reunion due to his personal matters..)
And everything went also very walawei..we had fun..with many old memorable stories flown in the is so good when we can share a lot of good memories with those people who grown-up together with us...(sharing stories and laughing to each other and at the same time watching football match between ManU and Spurs...)
To Hafizan, Ijoy, Ikmal, Thaha, Azizul, Zulhusni, Alif, Hadi (6 Melati), Sharif Ahmad and Hadi Koh (and also to Imah..) thanks a lot for making this 2nd chapter alive!
Specially thanks to THAHA for the treat...God bless u, man.... =)
And everything went also very walawei..we had fun..with many old memorable stories flown in the is so good when we can share a lot of good memories with those people who grown-up together with us...(sharing stories and laughing to each other and at the same time watching football match between ManU and Spurs...)
To Hafizan, Ijoy, Ikmal, Thaha, Azizul, Zulhusni, Alif, Hadi (6 Melati), Sharif Ahmad and Hadi Koh (and also to Imah..) thanks a lot for making this 2nd chapter alive!
Specially thanks to THAHA for the treat...God bless u, man.... =)
wahh..mantop! tapi hadi 6 melati gan hadi koh org yg len ke?
die xde dlm pic eh??knfius sat..hehe
byda..mereka merupakan org yg berlainan..hadi 6 melati tak msk SMKTT...hadi koh yg pengawas SMKTT dlu tu..yg pakai songkok sentiasa itu....dia bkn SKTT...
ko silap la an, hadie tu darjah 6 dah bla.. die 5 raya dulu.. klas ko la.. aiyahh.. taaruf kebendenye nih beb?
ps; tkleh bla tgk ko mmbebel tgk bola smlam.. terngiang2 d tlinga aku.. haha
thanx and welcome..
chop!..ko pn silap gak..aku bkn 5 raya..aku 5 melati..gegege..sbb tu aku cm tak kenal dia sgt sbnrnya..smlm mn sempat taaruf wei..kan dia blah cepat..senyap je dia..
p/s: dah tu..tgk bola senyap2 je..ish..bosan ar..ada ke aku nk tengok je skrin tu senyap2..mana boleh tahan aku...
mr anonymous...haha..thaha mmg BOSAN!!..gegegeg...
biar btol an? ko sekelas ngan aku darjah 5? argghhhh.. tensen..
hadi koh ak kenai..shahrezzahadi.full name lagik ok!wlpn maybe de silap eja sikit..ekeke.
owhhh..ak 5 Teratai T_T..haha
iskh..xdak memori toi.yg ak igt adi adela
aloo encik thaha..ko sama kelas ngn aku darjah 5 la!..aiyooo...(ekceli aku pn tak igt ko satu kls ngn aku darjah 5..gegegegegegeg...)
byda..hadi koh tu ko igt ek..hehe..anyway..ko xd memori ek 5 teratai?..sian ko...darjah 6 ada memori x?
ada2..ak 6 raya.tapi agak sedikit memori lost la..mcm sape ye dok sebelah ak.haha
hadi tuh mmgla igt..kitekan sume pengawas yg berjaya!!!
erk..sebbaik aku igt sp dok sebelah aku..gegegeg...
byda..kita pengawas berjaya ek?..hooyehh!!..mmg berjaya..aku suka!!..grrrrr..~
pengawas bjaya.. poyo seh.. haha
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