Sunday, September 27, 2009

Salam Syawal 1430 Hijrah


It's already a week we Muslims celebrating Eid Mubarak and I haven't got any chance to write anything about it since my last post. I was so busy during last Ramadhan. Anyway, I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin fid dunya wal akhiroh to all my friends and family members for any wrongdoings. (though it's quite late to wish but who cares..better late than nothing aite?..gege..furthermore Malaysians celebrate Hari Raya for a month rite?.. =P) Hope all of you are in a pink of health and blessed by Allah. Take care of yourselves, family and friends. Drive carefully and watch of your cholesterol's actually a self reminder =P

p/s: Waiting for open house invitation..... =)


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